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Mary, 35 лет


  • Знак зодиака:

  • Рост:
    168 см

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35 лет




не курю



Отношение к жизни

Какие события или люди наибольшим образом повлияли на вашу жизнь и почему?..

There have been many events and people that have influenced my life, but some of the most significant ones include my parents, my childhood experiences, and my education.

Каким(-ой) вас видят окружающие люди?..

I'm not sure what others may see in me, but I try to be a kind, caring, and honest person, so hopefully, those qualities are appreciated by others. I also enjoy making people laugh and bringing joy into their lives, so if others perceive me as a positive and fun-loving presence, that would make me happy

Что вы обычно делаете лучше всего?..

I would say that I am good at problem-solving and coming up with creative solutions to challenges. I enjoy brainstorming and thinking outside the box to find innovative approaches to issues. Additionally, I have a passion for learning and am always eager to expand my knowledge in different areas.

Как вы проводите свое свободное время в будни и выходные?..

During the weekends, I like to relax and unwind by doing activities like reading, watching movies, or taking long walks in nature. On work days, I try to find ways to reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance, such as practicing yoga, meditation, or cooking a nice meal for myself.

Перечислите вещи, без которых вы в принципе не смогли бы прожить...

There are a few things that I could not imagine living without, such as my phone, computer, and internet connection. They have become essential tools for work, communication, and entertainment in modern life. In addition, I cherish spending quality time with loved ones, so our relationships are definitely something I would not want to live without.

Есть ли стремление себя изменить, какие цели у вас в этом стремлении, чего уже достигли?..

One area where I would like to improve is my patience and tolerance for frustration. Sometimes I can get impatient or easily agitated when things do not go as planned, which can be counterproductive and harmful to relationships.

Расскажите о себе что-либо, о чём знают только ваши лучшие друзья...

One area where I would like to improve is my patience and tolerance for frustration. Sometimes I can get impatient or easily agitated when things do not go as planned, which can be counterproductive and harmful to relationships.

Хочется рассказать что-то еще? Обязательно пишите!..

Sure, I would like to share my appreciation for the simple joys in life, such as spending time with loved ones, enjoying delicious food, and experiencing the beauty of nature. I believe that cultivating gratitude and a sense of wonder for the world can bring us happiness and fulfillment.

Какие ошибки вы считаете достойными снисхождения?..

I try to be forgiving and understanding towards others, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and sometimes faces difficult circumstances that may influence their behavior. However, there are certain actions or patterns of behavior that would be hard for me to forgive, such as intentional harm to others, dishonesty, or lack of accountability. Ultimately, I believe that forgiveness is important for healing and moving forward in relationships, but it depends on the severity and nature of the mistake.

Ваши любимые персонажи в литературе, кино, компьютерных играх?

Oh, I have so many favorite characters! In movies, I absolutely adore Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. She's intelligent, brave, and always stands up for what she believes in. In books, I'm a big fan of Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. She's witty, independent, and has a strong sense of self. As for computer games, I love playing as Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. She's adventurous, resourceful, and kicks some serious butt! These characters inspire me and remind me of the strength and resilience we can find within ourselves.

Ваше отношение к религии?..

I was raised in a religious family, so I have some familiarity with different faiths and traditions. Although I don't identify as religious myself, I respect the beliefs and practices of others and recognize the importance of spirituality in many people's lives. I think that religion can be a powerful force for good, promoting principles such as compassion, service, and forgiveness.

Где бы вы хотели жить?..

I'm open to living in different places and exploring new cultures, but if I had to choose one place to live, it would be somewhere near the ocean. The sound of waves, the smell of saltwater, and the beauty of coastal landscapes all speak to me on a deep level. Plus, I love seafood! So, anywhere with fresh seafood and beautiful beaches would be ideal.

Для вас нет ничего хуже чем?..

One of the worst things for me is feeling alone or disconnected from others. I'm a deeply social person who thrives on meaningful connections and interactions with others. When I'm isolated or feel like no one understands me, it can be really tough. That's why I cherish my friendships and relationships so much - they give me a sense of belonging and purpose that nothing else can replace.

Что любите из еды?..

I love food! It's one of my favorite things in the world. I'm particularly fond of Italian cuisine, with its rich flavors and comforting dishes. Pasta, pizza, risotto, and gelato - I could eat these things all day long. But I also enjoy trying new foods and experiencing different culinary traditions.

Что любите из напитков?..

Like many people, I enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning to jumpstart my day. But I also like to experiment with different teas and herbal infusions, especially in the evening when I need something calming and soothing. And of course, a glass of wine or cocktail now and then is always fun too!

Мне нравится
я должен испытывать любовь и влечение к своему партнеру
А поговорить
мне нужен человек, способный говорить и слушать
Чувство юмора
мне нужен человек с острым чувством юмора, способный видеть смешную сторону жизни
Разговоры по душам
я должен знать, что мой партнер может поделиться со мной самыми глубокими переживаниями и желаниями
Эмоциональная стабильность
мне нужен эмоционально стабильный партнер, готовый разделить обыденную жизнь с другим человеком
Я не одобряю
Мне не нравятся люди, которых интересуют только они сами
мне не нужен человек, который постоянно перекладывает всю ответственность на меня
я не люблю, когда врут, особенно мне
не люблю, когда люди ищут выгоду за счет других
я не люблю людей, которые не в состоянии справиться со своим гневом, позволяют себе крик и грубость в адрес других